


Social Innovation Relay

December 2016

We are currently taking part in the Social Innovation Relay 2016, coming up with amodel business plan. We've passed the first round and are currently preparing for the actual competition.
【Social Innovation Relay 2016 】社会起業ビジネスプランコンテストにて、予選通過。 本大会に向け準備中。

FROGs in Okinoshima, Dozen 

August 2016

FROGS worked with the Okinoshima Dozen High School students and volunteered at the Keisho Nursery. It was a great success!
島根県 隠岐の島けいしょう保育園にて、島前高校生有志とクラスを開催。 1日目は地元高校生と準備を行い、2日目には隠岐の島を散策、3日目にボランティアを行いました。

FROGs Trip Preparation & Annoucements  

July 2016

FROGS will volunteering at Keisho Nursery in Okinoshima with the Okinoshima Dozen High School students. The programme will take over a span of three days: one day will be for preparation as well as an ice break session with the other students, another day for some sightseeing, and another for volunteering.