Osakikamijimacho, Hiroshima 2019 August

Song: Markvard - Summer Wild (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/r_aT7oYfnU8


In recent years, English language education has gone through a change - from just reading and writing, the current curriculum expects high levels of academic ability in not just reading and writing but speaking and listening as well. In addition, the curriculum also expects high standards in discussion, presentation as well as problem solving skills, which requires more ‘practice over theory’ approaches. Our summer camp hopes to cultivate these skills, as well as provide opportunities for students to use the English they learn in school, which will also help grow their speaking and listening skills. This summer camp will also work as a prep programme for the few students at Osaki Kamijimacho Kaisei High School students participating in the short exchange programme in New Zealand.

近年、読み書きの英語学習から、『聞く、話す、読む、書く』の4技能の習熟が求められるようになってき ました。
加えて、日本語を使用する場でも、Discussion や Presentation そして Problem-solving skills など、机上 の学習だけではなく、体験や経験でこそ力をつけることができる学習も必要とされてきています。 
FROGS では、夏のサマースクールとして、中高生に Presentation Skill の向上、そしてこれまで生徒たちが学習した英語を実際使う機会を提供することにより、4技能のうちの特に『聞く、話す』の学習をサポー トしていきたいと考えています。 特に大崎上島町海星高校の生徒にとっては、このサマースクールが、晩夏のニュージーランド短期留学に おいて臆することなく英語を話す実践的な場となるよう、プレ留学としての位置付けになると考えています。 



Our overall presentation topic is to “introduce Japan” as well as introduce ourselves. Using information on what’s currently popular in the United States we will analyse what is popular and what is not in different areas such as film, stationery, music, make up as well as sports and compare it to what is currently popular in Japan. The students will research topics they are most interested in, and will present their findings at the end through an English presentation. 
海外の同世代と話をする上で、日本を身近に感じてもらえるような『日本紹介』を考え発表します。 用意したティーン向けの雑誌やスポーツ雑誌などで、同世代が同じようなことに関心があることを分析。そ の後、映画、文具、音楽、化粧品、スポーツなど、各自の興味のある情報が発信できるよう、調べて英語で 発表します。


Seminars will be like mock classes of classes carried out in high schools abroad and topics will be taken from classes carried out in university. These are some example classes:
1. “How easily are you fooled?”
This class will discover how people act in group activities. Through two games: “Jeopardy” and “Werewolf”, students will see how they themselves may act differently when persuaded by the group.
2. “Tricky Tastes”
Through an experiment based on DD Williamson, students will discover how colour can deceive the eye, and thus interfere with how they taste things. In addition, they will also see how perception can also deceive the way we understand things using things such as optical illusions and videos.


1. English book reading and Craft Event
High school students and university students will work together to do English book reading and craft events at nurseries and nearby libraries. The objective is to provide English speaking opportunities for those participating while engaging in book readings and craft making.
2. Island Tour
High school students will give a tour of an island and show some of the best locations and places to the university students. For foreign students, English tours will be given as well. This is in hopes of advertising the beauty of the island, but also to help local high school students to re-recognise the beauty of their homes. 
1) 絵本の読み聞かせボランティア
FROGs と一緒に、英語の絵本の読み聞かせと、クラフトクラスを企画準備して実行します。 読み手となれるよう、発音も練習します。目標はサマースクール以降、自分たちでもボランティア活動がで きるようになることです。 
2 )島のガイド 
初めて島を訪れる FROGs に島の良いところを案内していただきます。また外国人の学生には SNS で島の良 いところを発信してもらうため、オススメの場所の説明も英語で行っていただきます。